The Inside, Outside, and Beyond

of Kind Roots Early Learning & Care

  • Inside

    Inside the classroom, children play with natural elements like rocks, sticks, baskets, blocks, and other loose parts. The manufactured toys and books in the classroom space are intentionally chosen to be open-ended, not associated with a brand, and linked to the same skill-development that happens during outdoor nature play. The art and crafts, songs, movement, math, literacy, and other learning we do are all connected to nature. This space shelters us from the extreme temps and wild weather while keeping us one step away from the outside.

  • Outside

    Outside in the backyard, the children play in a natural playscape that includes a gathering area, a mud kitchen, play gardens, grassy areas for large motor play, bird feeders, natural percussion area, sand pit, veggie garden/compost, tree parts, fort, and most importantly, gates with quick access for adventures in the beyond.

  • Beyond

    Beyond on the trails, children can hike, play and explore amongst the trees. We are fortunate to have access to these diverse and beautiful parks and trails including but not limited to Valley View Park, Oak Park Crossing, Brekke Park, the Boom Site, and Brown’s and Creek State Trail. Wildlife surrounds us throughout all four seasons. It takes time to build a trust-level and teacher-student relationship for the children to feel safe and comfortable to play and explore in the beyond.